For God and Country, we the FBI National Academy Associates of Texas, Incorporated, associate ourselves together for the following purposes: To uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States and the State of Texas. To protect our country from all enemies, whether foreign or domestic. To promote training programs in various duly constituted law enforcement agencies within our state, giving to the member thereof the benefit of our training received at the FBI National Academy. To use and encourage the use of the facilities of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. To perpetuate our Association with the members of our class, associates and faculty, and to encourage attendance at all training sessions. To encourage and assist in the enlightenment and education of the general public. To cooperate with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and all duly constituted law enforcement agencies and officers, as well as the general public, in all matters of mutual interest, and particularly in the exchange and dissemination of ideas and information, the detection and prevention of crime and the apprehension of criminals. To strive for the highest degree of respect for law and order and maintenance thereof. To these ends, we pledge to always conduct ourselves in a manner that will lend strength, dignity and credit to the profession of law enforcement.




Throughout the year the Texas Chapter offers monthly luncheons in each of the four Texas Regions: Dallas, El Paso, Houston, and San Antonio.


June 14-16, 2023   68th Annual Training Conference - Saint Anthony Hotel, San Antonio, TX  


Preferred Chapter POC:

Rick Smith
Chapter Secretary/Treasurer

Chapter Mailing Address:

1919 Highway 35 North PMB 62
Rockport, TX 78382



Chapter Community

Chapter Community is your link to a Member's Only Network for announcements, discussion boards, blogs, career postings, and resource library.