Section I- Our Purpose

Maximizing the World's Strongest Law Enforcement Leadership Network by staying connected!

Section I Representative

Bill Gardiner
NA Session 238
Deputy Director
Idaho State Police

Welcome to Section I

Welcome to Section I - where East meets West! Section I is a diverse region that represents big cities and small towns across the American West as well as the 49 countries that comprise the Asia Pacific Chapter. Though separated by mountains, deserts, forests and oceans we are joined by the common bonds we share as graduates of the FBI National Academy. As members of our great Association, we are committed to the continuous development of the world’s strongest law enforcement network through training and through maintaining the bonds we developed at the NA. Together we are the best of law enforcement and our status as NA grads offers us unparalleled opportunities to serve our profession, our communities and each other. It is my privilege and honor to be your Representative and I look forward to seeing you at Chapter events in the years to come.