FBINAA Officer Resiliency, Safety & Wellness Video Series

More than ever during these unprecedented times, officer resiliency, safety and wellness needs to be a core value of each and every department. It is our duty to provide our members and their staffs with tools and resources to reduce police officer suicides, mental health issues and officer injuries that continue to plague our profession.

The monthly Officer Resiliency, Safety & Wellness Video Series examines and discusses critical topics that are focused on enhancing and improving the lives and careers of the women and men who serve our communities. Each month we will share motivational stories and advice that will have a dramatic impact on improving officer resiliency, safety, health, and wellness.

The ORSW Video Series is a program distributed monthly to FBI National Academy Associates members, their staffs, and other law enforcement executives that provide our communities, states, countries, and profession with the highest degree of law enforcement professionalism and expertise.


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